When all great stories and lives have come to an end .. the most haunting of all fashion stories .. has to be the sad way in which one of the greatest designers of all time.. had left us ...suddenly...
There is a lot of controversy about his death.. Only 40 years old , at the highest peak of his career was found dead at his luxury apartment in Mayfair. Many sources have said that he had hanged himself. Which was a shock to many since his fashion show for his McQ line was to be shown in New York that very week . Few surprising elements have foreshown such a talented man could have indeed taken his death ... it is also known that his beloved mother , Joyce had also killed herself 3 years ago that very day.
Other designers have said that McQueen was also battling depression all his life and is evident though his collections.
Chanel designer Karl Lagerfeld says, "I found his work very interesting and never banal. There was always some attraction to death, his designs were sometimes dehumanized. Who knows, perhaps after flirting with death too often, death attracts you."
I see this very relevant in Mcqueen's 2006 fashion show where Kate Moss has appeared by Hologram as a ghost or an apparition in the finale .. Very scarrrrryyyyyyy ...
I personally always found Alexander McQueen's work and fashion shows a slight bit scary ... which makes this a perfect time to discuss some of his greatest works and pieces of all time ..
As you see , most of his collection do have a haunted dehumanized sort of feel. He as made something which is scary .. pretty or modern ...
Here is Alexander McQueens Back stage for his very last show before his death :
Up-close and Personal from the show :
He was an amazing designer!
his work is immortal! one of the best designers ever♥ I followed you on bloglovin and google+♥ you can follow my blog too if you'd like;) kisses!
Lorietta Bloglovin profile